Basic Welding
- Introduction
- ARC Welding
- Power Supply
- Steel Selection
- Electrode Selection
- Basic Welding Current
- Arc Shielding
- Nature of the ARC
- The First Weld
- Choose the right Electrode size
- Types of joints
- General notes on Butt Weld
- Fillet Welding
- Tee joints
- Lap welding
- Position Welding
- Vertical Welding
- Some tips
- Choose a joint position & electrode that is conductive to the metal
- Follow simple principles for joint geometry & fit up
- Avoid build-up &over welding
- Hidden forces
- Weld defects
- Spatter
- Undercutting
- Wet electrodes
- Wandering arc
- Troubleshooting
- Welding & safety
- The correct approach
- Safety hazards of welding
- Electrical hazards
- Fire & explosions
- Lighted blowpipes
- Preventing injury